Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Karin Sniper Version

What better way to procrastinate studying for exams than to start chipping away at the backlog of posts I should have done. Wait. Wouldn't that be considered procrastinating as well? I put off making blog posts, but now I'm doing blog posts to put off studying. I'm so good at this *pats own back*, *coughs*

But yes, I have re-emerged after two months and maybe I will find (or make) time to put up some more content on a more regular basis (I said that last time too LOL)

Now without further self-deprecation, here is Karin Sniper Version from ToHeart2:

Box straight from Amazon of all places. Went for ~$50 including shipping.

Monday, 3 September 2012


On September 1st, I turned 20. That is all. Thanks for reading!

No but actually, birthdays don't really mean much. Popular culture may lead you to believe that it's an important day, or that you should be given special treatment or something, but it's just another day. I mean, the vast majority of people in the world carry no significance other than the fact that they exist, and make up an almost irrelevant percentage of the population. And even if you do carry some significance like being the person who cures cancer (like for reals), you're still just another person. Nevertheless, I did have a better day than I normally would have because I got to see many of my friends, and came to understand that there are people that (to some extent) care about my quiet existence.

This is a Chocolate Macaroon Cake that my good friend Tim Whistance-Smith made for me at his place of work - The Dutchess. It's one of the elite bakeries here in Edmonton. It looks great and probably tastes just as amazing! This is a dish best served cold (actually), and as such needed to be refrigerated. You can always expect something great to come from a pastry chef. 

More pics and goodies after the jump!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Kanon Double Deck Box

So as I said, I am going to be doing product reviews here and there so you can find out about things in a bit more detail before you buy them instead of making an investment based off some stock image. Let's face it. Anime deck boxes (in this case a double deck box) are starting to become the norm when it comes to going to locals, regionals, or higher. Everyone wants to show off some kind of personal flare and creative tastes. This is primarily because the card gaming culture and the Otaku cultures have a tendency to bleed into each other, so it seems only natural to marry the two.

Now onto the actual review~

I decided to buy this deck case because as you may have guessed, my favorite anime is Kanon! I payed around $30 Canadian after shipping for this from someone on ebay. It is a very old deck box and is out of print, so I had no other choice as they are incredibly scarce and wouldn't have been able to locate one at 99.9% of hobby shops both locally and online. Normally, however, if you were to buy an anime double deck box around the time it is released, it would only run you about $15 dollars, and around $10 for a single size deck box.

Here is Ayu-chan in her signature area in the forest. The colors are spot on, and the printing job is very crisp and boasts a considerable amount of detail and sharpness. The actual deck box measures about 5" wide, 4" deep, and 3" high. It is quite a bit larger and bulkier than your typical Ultra-Pro cheapy deck box, but it is made with a much more rigid plastic. Do make sure to be careful when taking it places, so as to avoid squashing it. You payed good money for it after all!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Finally! The Promised Pictures!

At last, I have taken the time to shoot some photos of a few things I got at Animethon, as well as just a general room update. This was largely motivated by one of my friends who requested pictures of my room. (You know who you are ;P)  It's quite messy right now but here you go: 

Miku and Madoka scrolls were from Animethon, so much moe! Sakura was bought many years ago in Vancouver when I was shopping in a mall that was connected to my Hotel. Manga on the left, and just a couple of random Nintendo Power posters.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Last Week of Summer

Wow, so I pretty much neglected to even humor a post on this for the entire summer holiday of 2012. That doesn't mean that nothing happened, oh no, my summer had a whole lot of stuff to actually make it one of the better ones I've had in my lifetime. I suppose making up for lost time would be the most sensible thing to do at this point, so here I go:

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Under The Hood

So I know I said I would make more frequent updates, but perhaps I lied. That or I'm just very lazy. Regardless, here we are once again at some time late at night, a time when a big slab of the western hemisphere has gone to sleep, and when the night owls fly their way to the internet.

After the jump, Driving!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

New Camera, New Directions

It has been too long since I updated this dusty old blog, which means I have no idea where to begin. So much has happened, or at least it feels like so much has happened since my last entry that it would be blasphemy to shove everything into just this one post.

To those of you who graduated from 1st Grade, you can already infer that I /may/ have gotten a new camera. Indeed, it has happened finally, and it's about fucking time too. Gone are the days of having to extract my figurative left and/or right nut(s) just to be able to borrow a small tool to save everyday bits of life into a woven array of pixels from my stringent as fuck parents.

Impressions after the jump!

Monday, 30 April 2012

What? You mean you're not going on a summer vacation!?

With the reception of my final grade (A- in English, for once in my life), the school year is adjourned, and my summer officially begins. For many, this would be a great time to kick back and relax, but for me it only spells a barrage of bigger, more daunting tasks that have ever befallen me:

Learning how to drive, finding a job at a bank, making enough to make a down payment on next year's tuition...(*cough $6415.90 + textbooks cough* ), and the tension of a possibility of not making it into the Accounting faculty next year at all.

I realize that it's only going to help me in the long run, but because I'm used to being super fat and lazy in the summer, it feels like I have the entire world on my shoulders - and it's freakin' heavy.

All serious business aside, how do I respond when people ask "so how is your summer going?" Well, I'm not really one for change, so the answer to that question is "the same thing I've been doing the rest of the year, but like twice as much." The only thing I've done thus far in no particular order is get fatter, watch anime, play piano, read a visual novel, ebay (yes, I actually consider this an activity \x.x/), marathon The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, and turtle my way through learning some more Kanji. That's what my idea of fun in the sun looks like in practice - sitting alone in a dark basement with my eyes sparkling with the glare of my computer monitor.

I would like to practice drawing also, as it is a skill I've wanted to improve since I was in elementary school, but always seems to take a back seat to other tasks, probably because I subconsciously avoid doing difficult things (doesn't everyone?).

Friday, 27 April 2012

Rain, Balls, and Holes

12:29AM. It's a bit early for me to be making today's post, but time has taken it's toll and I'm actually tired when I should be, how ironic.

I woke up late today as usual, last night having been another one of those merchant nights where I hit up ebay and snipe to my heart's content. I won 5 Tour Bus playmats each ranging from 30-40 dollars (reg. 70+) from the same seller, so shipping cost was combined (thank god). Pics will be posted in the foreseeable future. So contrary to some popular opinion, 4:55AM is a great time to be awake, especially when you can work some mercantile magic :)

I performed my daily ritual of getting out of bed, hearing the magpies (who all need to go to hell, by the way) from my backyard coupled with the crackling of my screwed up back-bone, and grabbed my raggedy keys to check the mailbox in whatever the hell I may (or may not) have been wearing.

Today's Yield:

 I actually died laughing (then came back as a clone of myself, of course) at this because they actually put each card into it's own top loader! No wonder shipping was 12.95...bastards.

Rain and Balls after the jump!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Oh look, it's a goblin being plunged into the endless abyss.

Today was an absolutely glorious day because of this recent mid-format ruling change in Yu-Gi-Oh! It was really a coin flip as to whether the change would actually take place, but I risked it and bought a whole bucket-load of Bottomless Trap Hole (~40) for about a dollar each roughly two weeks ago. Now due to this ruling change, they have sky-rocketed in value.

Find out more about the happy goblin after the jump!


My god. It's 5:11AM and I was actually bored enough to bring myself to start writing a blog.

As you may have deduced, my creativity leaves a little to be desired with regards to title names. My eyes just love to look at the small digital clock on the bottom-right of my screen when they get tired of staring at the ceiling, after it reveals no ideas for several minutes.

Anyways, back to...yeah. I have to go to my work today (toy store with the capitalist giraffe on it), even though I'm not scheduled to work today. I got a rude wake up call from the phone with a request (demand) to come in some time before Thursday to do something that would mean the end of the world if I didn't - a suuuurrrrrveyyyyy >o>

I agreed to come in today at noon, to come take part in this grandiose activity that they prepared for me, which, if I do the math, means I'll be tired for the majority of the day tomorrow.

No, this is not a FML post, nor is it a jab at work in general, it's simply one of the things on my mind right now. At what is now 5:22AM.