Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Karin Sniper Version

What better way to procrastinate studying for exams than to start chipping away at the backlog of posts I should have done. Wait. Wouldn't that be considered procrastinating as well? I put off making blog posts, but now I'm doing blog posts to put off studying. I'm so good at this *pats own back*, *coughs*

But yes, I have re-emerged after two months and maybe I will find (or make) time to put up some more content on a more regular basis (I said that last time too LOL)

Now without further self-deprecation, here is Karin Sniper Version from ToHeart2:

Box straight from Amazon of all places. Went for ~$50 including shipping.

Oh man pro packaging...I hope it didn't get damaged.

Seems okay.
Pretty standard box packaging. Provides a good view of the figure.

Back side of packaging.

Top view~
Busting out the box cutter to make a clean incision.
Layers of plastic that I'm totally pumped for...nice preview though.

Noticing a plain white base, both a good and bad thing. Will get to that later~

As always, cube is extracted first.

Getting there.

Removing the top half of plastic!

Here she is out of box, the plastic sheets are to reduce scratches and loss of finishing paint upon shipping/handling.

Pretty detailed bow. Can't argue with this part.

Wire is about as thick as an RC Car antenna. Same flexibility too.

Little plastic ends removed.

Finally freed from plastic wrap! Looks pretty radiant :)

The face is probably the most important part of any figure, or character for that matter. Kotobukiya did an excellent job with this one. Pretty much flawless with respect to how she is actually supposed to look in the ToHeart2.

Taking another look, the details on the eyes, the blushies, and the hair dynamics really jump out.

Signature hair pin and tails <3

There is some seam issue on the left area, luckily it's hard to notice when looking at her from the intended angle.

Overall, they look pretty well done. The necessary details are present, and it's just classic Karin.

Quiver of arrows for what it is seems alright. In the middle they kind of just sort of turn into a blob. It could have definitely been done better.

From afar it doesn't look nearly as blobby, but it's still going to bother me knowing this xD

And of course we have to have oppai. Very nice oppai indeed. They look pretty naturally shaped, and aren't too big or too small relative to her body size. Her costume definitely does it's job here.

Very nice sculpting work.

Nicely done hands and fingers. The way they are positioned really brings this figure to life!

Bit of zoom on here shows that it was a nicely done paint job as well.

Quiver on the outside looks better than it's contents for sure. Nice choice of colors here compliments her red clothing.

Nice details on the belt. Looks almost like real leather!

Her bottom half looks good too! Legs look correctly proportioned with respect to her body. Not too thick, or too skinny.  This picture looks a bit blurry to me though...I don't have another of this particular shot unfortunately =.=

I love the little creases made in the leg pieces. Again, nice and dynamic pose, giving just that much more life to the figure! There is no balance issue either. The center of gravity was made right.

Bottom of boot, nothing too crazy here as it is just a simple design. Also nice skin shot :3

The plain white base. While it may seem very plain or boring (which in some cases it is), it can also be viewed as the background with which you would view a figure. In this case, there is quite a lot of detail going on here on the figure. A plain canvas would better allow those small details to shine, rather than a colorful base that may offset them. I think it would just add unnecessary chaos. Thus I personally feel that a white base was a good decision.


Here she is equipped with her weapon. Pretty awesome!

Full view of the final product!

I should have really got better lighting...next time ;D

Definitely like the arm pieces and the sleeves.

Absolutely gorgeous back she has.

This picture and the next are the same with different lighting. I can't decide which I like better.

Again, clearly the white base does the rest of the figure the justice it deserves.
To the display case we go! Better to the right..
...or the center?
White LEDs <3
Violet LEDs!
...and that is it!

That is the end of the photo montage! I'm quite happy to have her in my collection as she is my favorite character from the ToHeart series. Well actually, her and Manaka Komaki. In terms of a figure, she was really well done for a 1/8 scale figure. I definitely liked all of the fine details and, of course the way her body was sculpted (yes, and the oppai). Of course there were some paint flaws (some seams in her hair), and the arrow feathers, but it's pretty easy to ignore those things as the rest of it screams way louder, and shines much brighter.

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