Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Oh look, it's a goblin being plunged into the endless abyss.

Today was an absolutely glorious day because of this recent mid-format ruling change in Yu-Gi-Oh! It was really a coin flip as to whether the change would actually take place, but I risked it and bought a whole bucket-load of Bottomless Trap Hole (~40) for about a dollar each roughly two weeks ago. Now due to this ruling change, they have sky-rocketed in value.

Find out more about the happy goblin after the jump!

This however did not go unnoticed; the whole TCG community was in a state of turmoil and chaos as all of the Bottomless Trap Holes (of all rarities) that resided on the internet were being bought out faster than half-price lobster tails at a Chinese supermarket. I could feel the roaring thunder of the whole North-American community hoarding every last one from the main places like ebay, Troll&Toad, TCG Player (wow free advertizing, I should be payed >:( ) and even small places no one gives two shits about as long as they had the thing for a reasonable price.

tl;dr I beat the rush and invested on a whim and lucked out :)

In other news:

If you are reading this and are looking at some investment ideas for this format...

Chain Disappearance - hits Dino Rabbit, Inzektors, and the upcoming six-sam deck that will inevitably be popular (and good). Super or Rare, doesn't really matter since both will be in great demand because it's perfect side, and was never reprinted as an easily accessible common. These will see a sharp rise in price.

Tour Bus From the Underworld - can only be used when Tour Guide is owned by the user, which will be more accessible to all, and demand for Tour Bus will rise, due to this upcoming reprint, courtesy of Battle Pakku (ぱっく) <- Don't Ask (will be covered in a future post)

XYZ Reborn  - dropped from 20 to ~5 since it's release. XYZ Reborn has potential to see rise because it's more than clear that Konami seems to have a fetish for kicking out used-to-be-good engines out (plants, synchros in general) and wants to make the game centered around the hurp derp exceed mechanic. This means that eventually there will be a wayyhayy broken combo that will fundamentally abuse XYZ Reborn. I can almost guarantee it. Hieratics can already use this card nicely because it regurgitates huge beefy dragons :D

Things like Blade Armor Ninja, Gold Bottomless, Super Snowman are all too late to invest in because they are past their prime time when they were cheap. i.e. lacks a safe profit margin unless you can randomly find these for a low price.

Commons that may see rise:
Raigeki Break (priority)
Lair Wire (inzektor format + priority)
Neko Mane King (counter inzektors)
Swift Scarecrow (too late, already had it's black friday)

That should be about enough yugioh masturbation for one day.

And with that, greetings to you too 9:52PM

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