Thursday, 31 May 2012

New Camera, New Directions

It has been too long since I updated this dusty old blog, which means I have no idea where to begin. So much has happened, or at least it feels like so much has happened since my last entry that it would be blasphemy to shove everything into just this one post.

To those of you who graduated from 1st Grade, you can already infer that I /may/ have gotten a new camera. Indeed, it has happened finally, and it's about fucking time too. Gone are the days of having to extract my figurative left and/or right nut(s) just to be able to borrow a small tool to save everyday bits of life into a woven array of pixels from my stringent as fuck parents.

Impressions after the jump!

The Pre-Buy

I did some research (and by some I mean one evening's worth, probably less than an hour) on what camera to buy and I couldn't decide if I wanted an SLR or Point and Shoot. The price disparity eventually swept me off my feet, at the same time freeing me from the disillusion that I'm actually a good photographer. Initially I wanted to get a Canon Powershot S100 after seeing nothing but fantastic reviews about it from everywhere I looked. But then upon googling, I stumbled upon a comparison between that and the Canon Powershot ELPH 300 HS by some photography guru. According to him, the 300HS performed basically just as well as the S100, but at $100 dollars less give or take. I did further research, and there were no objections to this notion anywhere I looked.

It was then time to find a place to buy the little toy. As luck would have it, it was on sale for a great price at Memory Express, but sold out clean. Not one location, domestic or online, had any left. That made me want it even more, because not only is it a hot item, but that also suggests that it's more than likely an amazing camera. I searched far and wide, eventually surrendering to ebay, where I found an auction going for a black one which I proceeded to snipe 2 to 3 days later.

The Post-Buy
Hands down, this was the best investment I have made in the past 10 years. It's something I should have done ages ago, but always seemed to prioritize spending money on hobbies or my computer. I really haven't been able to put it down much, as I'm constantly finding new things I want to share with the world, which I hadn't been able to do before. The quality of the pictures this camera takes far exceeds my expectations, which opens many more possibilities and options! The camera I used in my previous posts could barely show the title of the cards, but now:

You can clearly see even the smallest card letters, to the texture of the playmat it lays upon.

Big whoop, you got a new camera, whats your point?

To me, this isn't just a new camera, it's like a milestone for me, in the sense that I can now independently take as many pictures as I want, without having to rely on someone else to do so. That was always the problem with doing ANYTHING around my house. If you wanted something, it didn't come for free. I suppose it's a bittersweet concept: bitter in the sense that it's a pain in the fucking ass to accomplish an otherwise simple task, and sweet because it shapes me into a more self-sustaining individual. That's where the New Directions (not the Glee one -.-) comes into focus (or light, or view; it really doesn't matter which of the 3, the pun is still perfectly valid, and perfectly awesome).

I am now equipped with the (THE) invaluable asset that is absolutely essential to a blogger's success. That, coupled with the intangible ability to write properly is the main engine to any good blog. There's other things to write about, but I decided in the midst of writing this one that I would break all of it into chunks. I don't care who you are, you WILL get bored of reading one post for 20 minutes and go dog shit insane.
Here's to a new door opened, the step forward, and the new adventures that lie beyond. *cheers* (I have an Allen's Peach Cocktail juicebox here, I guess that will have to do C:)
Hello, 4:13AM. I have a driving simulator appointment tomorrow...

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