Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Kanon Double Deck Box

So as I said, I am going to be doing product reviews here and there so you can find out about things in a bit more detail before you buy them instead of making an investment based off some stock image. Let's face it. Anime deck boxes (in this case a double deck box) are starting to become the norm when it comes to going to locals, regionals, or higher. Everyone wants to show off some kind of personal flare and creative tastes. This is primarily because the card gaming culture and the Otaku cultures have a tendency to bleed into each other, so it seems only natural to marry the two.

Now onto the actual review~

I decided to buy this deck case because as you may have guessed, my favorite anime is Kanon! I payed around $30 Canadian after shipping for this from someone on ebay. It is a very old deck box and is out of print, so I had no other choice as they are incredibly scarce and wouldn't have been able to locate one at 99.9% of hobby shops both locally and online. Normally, however, if you were to buy an anime double deck box around the time it is released, it would only run you about $15 dollars, and around $10 for a single size deck box.

Here is Ayu-chan in her signature area in the forest. The colors are spot on, and the printing job is very crisp and boasts a considerable amount of detail and sharpness. The actual deck box measures about 5" wide, 4" deep, and 3" high. It is quite a bit larger and bulkier than your typical Ultra-Pro cheapy deck box, but it is made with a much more rigid plastic. Do make sure to be careful when taking it places, so as to avoid squashing it. You payed good money for it after all!

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Finally! The Promised Pictures!

At last, I have taken the time to shoot some photos of a few things I got at Animethon, as well as just a general room update. This was largely motivated by one of my friends who requested pictures of my room. (You know who you are ;P)  It's quite messy right now but here you go: 

Miku and Madoka scrolls were from Animethon, so much moe! Sakura was bought many years ago in Vancouver when I was shopping in a mall that was connected to my Hotel. Manga on the left, and just a couple of random Nintendo Power posters.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Last Week of Summer

Wow, so I pretty much neglected to even humor a post on this for the entire summer holiday of 2012. That doesn't mean that nothing happened, oh no, my summer had a whole lot of stuff to actually make it one of the better ones I've had in my lifetime. I suppose making up for lost time would be the most sensible thing to do at this point, so here I go: